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Revised Jun 6 2021

Heywood Manuscript Letter No. 73
Emma Bertie to Mrs. Elizabeth Heywood

No. 73. Mrs. Bertie to Mrs. Heywood

Portsmouth – 18th Sep'r. 1792

My dear Madam.

I have the Happiness of telling you that the Court Martial is this Moment over, & that I think your Son's Life is more safe now, than it was before his Trial: — as there was not sufficient Proof of his Innocence, the Court cou'd not avoid condemning him: — but he is so strongly recommended to Mercy, that I am desired to assure you (by those who are Judges) that his Life is safe; — all the principal Officers of the Bounty, who were called as Evidence; gave him the highest Character imaginable; — therefore for God's Sake, whatever you may hear, believe Nothing but what you hear from hence. — I am obliged to go tomorrow to my Father's in Devonshire, but Mr. Spranger will write to you the Moment his Fate is determined. — you may depend upon my taking Care he shall have every Attention, the same as if I was here myself. — For God's sake therefore my dear Madam, keep yourself up, as well as you can, rely on it, that God who has preserved him through all his Dangers & Sufferings to this Day, will not now forsake him — Adieu my dear Madam — depend on it I have told you the honest Truth, & hope every thing. —

believe me

  your sincere Friend

    Emma Bertie.

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