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Revised Jun 6 2021

Heywood Manuscript Letter No. 56
Peter Heywood to Nessy Heywood

No. 56. Mr. P. Heywood to Miss N. Heywood

Hector. Aug'st. 17th 1792

What Joy my dearest Sister Nessy have you this day afforded me by your charming Letters! — I have not laughed so much these five years as in reading your supposed Contrast between my Picture & the Original — I told you it was not like, but I am not a little entertained at your partiality; I wou'd not I must tell you my Dear have you flatter me so much, or I shan't know myself — I wish — No! – 'tis wrong to wish — I hope then, bye & bye to surprize you, but not with my Beauty as you call it — take care you are not deceived — I dare say I am altered much by my Confinement — my Height is now just 5 Feet 7½ Inches in my stockings. — How often my beloved Girl do I read over those enchanting Pieces of Poetry you have sent me. Ah! my Nessy — God will I fear not yet grant me the Happiness of embracing the sweet little Poetess — from your own Opinion of your productions, if I was to say half what I am confidant they deserve you wou'd perhaps think I flattered you — but that I never do — I mortally detest Flattery, therefore I shall say nothing but keep what I think to myself. — How very happy am I to hear that my dearest Mother is in Health! for Heaven's sake chear her drooping Spirits — too conscious am I, that I am the unhappy Cause of that unfortunate Dejection which must sometimes take Place in her too-long-tried Bosom — Give my best Love and Duty to her, & my dearest Sisters & Brothers & believe me

forever my Nessy's

  truly faithful

    & affectionate Brother

      Peter Heywood

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