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Revised Jun 6 2021

Heywood Manuscript Letter No. 41
Peter Heywood to Mrs. Elizabeth and Eliza Heywood

No. 41. Mr. P. Heywood to Mrs. Heywood

Hector — July 24th — 1792

My dear & hon'd. Mother

This is the last sheet of Paper I have at present on which I must write you a few Lines to beg you will not for a Moment think I can ever be so undutiful as to omit writing to you through Forgetfulness — Ah! no it is not so; for you are ever in my Thoughts, but my omitting a Day now & then is from the Advice of some of my kind Friends not to write too much. — Make yourself perfectly easy my much honor'd Parent on my Account for I do not fear but I shall be able e'er long to clear up my injured Character before the Face of an honorable Court, & to shew that I have ever deserved to be esteemed my dearest Mother's

most dutiful

  & obedient Son

    Peter Heywood


I am in perfect
Tranquility of Mind &
Health of Body — my
Spirits know no Dejection
whatever — always buoyed
up by the Thoughts of seeing
better Days! —

My dear Eliza shou'd have had the Happiness she seems so much to wish for before now; but let me hope she will forgive her Brother & accept this small Token of his sincere Affection till he procures some more Paper when she may depend on hearing from him more frequently. — Moderate your Desire of seeing me a little my dear Eliza — my Character is not yet cleared up — till that Moment arrives you must not anticipate the supreme Happiness we shall enjoy in Meeting — there is an awful Trial to come on, & end before that takes Place — Let Hope & Patience therefore sway your Wishes my dear Eliza — they are, & ever have been the constant Attendants on

your most aff't. Friend & Brother

    Peter Heywood

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