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Revised Jun 6 2021

Heywood Manuscript Letter No. 30
James M. Heywood to Nessy Heywood

No. 30. Mr. Heywood to Miss N. Heywood

Maristow July 11th: 1792

My dear Miss Heywood

As I am persuaded you must be anxious to know when your Brother is likely to receive the Linnen &c which you sent him directed to me in Albemarle Street, I have the pleasure to acquaint you that the servant who takes Care of my House has just informed me that a Parcel is arrived from the North which she keeps till further Orders. These Orders she receives this Day, & will of Course send the Parcel to Portsmouth immediately directed to Serjeant Clayfield. — I trust that by this time Peter enjoys every Comfort of Body & Mind which his Situation can admit of, & that he will extricate himself from all his Sufferings with Credit & Honor.

I am my dear Madam

    your most faithful hbl Serv't.

        J: M: Heywood

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