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Revised Jun 6 2021

Heywood Manuscript Letter No. 25
Commodore Thomas Pasley to Peter Heywood

No. 25. Comm'dr. Pasley to Mr. P. Heywood

Sheerness 6th. July – 1792

I have Letters my dear Sir from Sir A. Hammond, & Captain Montague, in Answer to mine. — I had desired the former to supply you with Money or whatever you might want on my Account, but by his Letters it wou'd appear that Captain Bertie has already taken Care on that Head. — Captain Montague writes me that he had delivered a Memorial from you to the Lords of the Admiralty. — Mr. Delafons my particular Friend who has been with you is a very sensible judicious Man — consult him on every Step you take, as no Person can be a better Judge of the proper Mode of Defence — I have seen Mr. Fryer the Master, & Cole the Boatswain, both favorable Evidences. to Day I set off for Woolwich & Deptford to endeavour to see the Gunner & Carpenter, & shall try e'er I return to see Hayward & Hallet.

I have tried to get the rigor of your Confinement mitigated, but find that at present nothing can be done as to Enlargement. The Admiralty I find have laid your Cases before the Crown Lawyers for their Opinion, whether you shou'd be tried by a Naval Court Martial or Admiralty Court, but as yet no Answer is received. — rest assured of my utmost Exertions. – whenever you are tried I shall attend. — at present you are surrounded by my Friends. kind Comp'ts to Mr. Delafons — let him constantly write me how I can serve your Cause. — I am believe me with great Truth

your affectionate Uncle

    Thos. Pasley

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