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Revised Jun 6 2021

Heywood Manuscript Letter No. 23
Commodore Thomas Pasley to Peter Heywood

No. 23. Comm'dr. Pasley to Mr. P. Heywood.

Sheerness July 1st. 1792

I have by this Post my dear young Friend wrote to my Friend Sir Andrew Hammond to supply you with Money or what else you may want at Present. — In a Day or two you shall hear from me particularly in Answer to your Letter — I have seen Mr. Fryer & Cole — rest assured of every Exertion in my Power to serve you—let me hear from you, & be particular in any thing in which you think I can serve you – bear your present situation with Patience & Firmness. — Adieu — may God grant that your Innocence may be made clear, which will make happy your Family

& your affectionate Uncle

  Tho's. Pasley

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