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Revised Jun 6 2021

Heywood Manuscript Letter No. 10
Captain Thomas Pasley to Nessy Heywood

No. 10. Capt. Pasley to Miss N. Heywood.

Sheerness June 8th. 1792

Wou'd to God! my dearest Nessy that I cou'd rejoice with you on the early prospect of your Brother's Arrival in England, — one Division of the Pandora's people are arrived & now on board the Vengeance (my ship) — Capt. Edwards with the remainder & all of the prisoners late of the Bounty, in number ten (four having been drowned on the Loss of that Ship) are daily expected — they have been most rigorously & closely confined since taken, & will continue so I have no doubt till Bligh's arrival — you have no chance of seeing him, for no Bail can be offered — your Intelligence of his swimming off on the Pandora's Arrival is not founded — a Man of the Name of Coleman came off e'er she anchor'd, your Brother & Mr. Stewart next Day. — this last youth when the Pandora was lost refused to allow his Irons to be taken off to save his Life.

I cannot conceal it from you my dearest Nessy, neither is it proper I shou'd, your Brother appears by all Accounts to be the greatest Culprit of all, Christian alone excepted. — every Exertion you may rest assured I shall use to save his Life — but on Trial I have no Hope of his not being condemned. — three of the ten who are expected are mentioned in Bligh's Narrative as Men detained against their Inclination — wou'd to God! your Brother had been one of that Number — I will not distress you more by enlarging on this subject — As Intelligence arrises on their Arrival you shall be made acquainted. — Adieu my dearest Nessy — present my affectionate remembrances to your Mother & Sisters & believe always with the warmest Affection

your Uncle

    Tho's. Pasley

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