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Revised Jun 6 2021

Heywood Manuscript Letter No. 7
James M. Heywood to Nessy Heywood

No. 7. J. M. Heywood Esq'r. to Miss N. Heywood

London May 12th. 1792

My Dear Madam.

May 6, 1792 I have your Favor of the 6th. Ins't. & sincerely sympathize with you & your Family, in the Anxiety you must feel on Account of your Brother. I hear that he will probably return in the Crown Man of War, & you may be assured that I will pay every Attention to his situation as soon as I am informed of his Arrival. The Circumstance of his having swam to the Pandora will, I trust, be strong in his Favor, & make his Conduct appear in a much better Light than that of the other young Men who were so unfortunate as to remain on board the Bounty when Mr. Bligh was ill treated. I will dwell no longer upon a painful Subject, but repeat my Assurance that I will do every thing I can to serve him essentially.

With my best Comp'ts. to Mrs. Heywood & the rest of your Family. I remain dear Madam.

your most faithful hbl serv't.

  J: M: Heywood

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