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Revised Jun 6 2021

Heywood Manuscript Letter No. 5
Francis Hayward to Nessy Heywood

No. 5 Mr. Hayward to Miss N. Heywood

Hackney July 27th. 1790

My dear young Lady.

The daily Expectation that the Court Martial to be held on Mr. Bligh wou'd soon take place, has too long protracted the Acknowledgment of your pathetic Letter to my son being received. The Heart which cou'd dictate, & the Understanding which cou'd compose such a Letter, merit all the Esteem & respect which can be shewn the Writer, did not her sorrows render the Duty still more sacred. My Son Madam will write to you as soon as Mr. Bligh's Trial is over, till when, your good sense will shew you the Impropriety of a Witness (for such he must be) saying anything on the subject. He joins me in respectful Comp'ts. to Mrs. Heywood & in sincere Wishes that the Cloud which at present darkens your prospects may soon pass away.

I am Madam

  your ob't. serv't.

    Fr's. Hayward

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