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Revised Jun 6 2021

Heywood Manuscript Letter No. 3
William Spencer Stanhope to Captain Shuttleworth

No. 3. Mr. Stanhope to Capt. Shuttleworth

Grosvenor Square Apr'l. 13th. 1790

My dear Shuttleworth.

I have made all the Enquiry I cou'd respecting the Ship Bounty & the Circumstances of the late Mutiny &c as you desire me; & find the Account you have had in the Newspapers is accurate & contains the Substance of all the Intelligence that has been received. With respect to Mr. Heywood in particular I have been able to learn nothing further than, that he was not one of those who were sent off with Capt. Bligh he is presumed to be among the Mutineers. The Consequences of such a Mutiny is very alarming which his Friends appear to be perfectly sensible of, but on the other Hand, the particular Circumstances of this Mutiny are unknown — the possibility that young Heywood may have had little to do with it, but have been kept on board on Account of his youth; the possibility also of Escape & in Case of the Worst, there being I believe, a senior* Officer to him on board in the same predicament who is nearly related to a Man in high Office are Circumstances which may administer some little Hope of Comfort to his Family in their present distressed state.

I have only to add that I am dear Shuttleworth

ever faithfully yours

  Wm. Spencer Stanhope.

* A Mr. Young, who is now with Mr. Christian.

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