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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Jun 17 2021

Track of Pandora's Tender

The Matavy Tender is the schooner Resolution, built by Morrison and his mates, refitted with proper rigging and sails and put into service as a tender by Capt. Edwards. It was manned by a Master's Mate, Mr. Oliver, a Midshipman, Mr. Renouard, a Quartermaster, Mr. Dodds, and five seamen.

Mr. Oliver died in Java. If a log was kept, it has never been found. The only first hand account that survives is Mr. Renouard's account. They had two quadrants aboard, and so could determine their latitude, but they had no charts. They began with the misapprehension that Annamooka, their rendezvous point, lay 700 miles to the south; when, in fact, it is nearer 450. Basil Thomson says they wound up on Matuku Island, but H. E. Maude, "The Voyage of the Pandora Tender," The Mariner's Mirror, Vol.50, No.3, August 1964, makes a persuasive case for the route shown here for the first part of their voyage. The latter part, after they reached Timor and had seen some charts, follows Mr. Renouard's account.

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