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Revised May 19 2021

John Fryer's Narrative of the Launch Voyage - Page 29

[? ?] Gen[?] where smoking their pipes and drinking Gin — want'd me to join with them, however I was not man enough to do that, but I drank a very comfortable cup of Tea with the ladys and eat some sweet cakes & promis'd the Gen[?] that I should smoke and drink gin with them some other time they all gave me a very kind invitation to their Houses — I now return'd to the house that Captn Spikerman gives us to live in though Captn Bligh say— a house was hired for him, and Captn Spikerman told me himself after that he never meant to charge

any thing for the House — but Captn Bligh told me that he paid for [?] whether he did or not it is no business of mine, all I can say is that I did not see the money paid in the evening there was two Bedsteads sent from the Governours with mats and [?] pillow[s] — one Bedstead was put into Captn Bligh Room and the other was put into the Room opposite when a Black Man came and take me by the arm and led me into the Room and told me that the Governours