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Revised May 19 2021

John Fryer's Narrative of the Launch Voyage - Page 11

which Captn Bligh have wrote single he should have wrote plural Mr Bligh say that there was no one on the boat that know anything about Timor — but himself — now Mr Peckover the gunner was the first that mention'd Timor as he had seen the Island when he came through the straits of New Holland with Captn Cook [?] from this circumstance we look into [Hammilton Moors?] Book — and likewise the Requisite Tables — which where [were] in the Boat belonging to Mr Hallett Midn, and found that Timor laid very little to the northward of Endeavour Straits — therefore I know where Timor was as well as Mr Bligh — but as Captn Bligh has not mentioned any body

May 8, 1789 services but his own — I must till [tell] my [?] that that there was others in the Boat — that would have found their way to Timor as well as Captn Bligh and made every one with them more pleasant I shall mention several thing that happen in our Disagreeable situation — the First on the eight of May — when the canoes was [chassing?] of us I was Rowing my self and Captn Bligh was steering Mr Cole and Mr Elphinstone found fault of Captn Blighs steerage — several times they certainly was very much alarm'd — and I believe Captn Bligh as much as they and I wont say that I was not —