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Revised May 17 2021

Bligh Letter to Joseph Banks
Bounty, Cape of Good Hope, Jun 28, 1788

Bounty in False Bay Cape   
of Good Hope June 28th. 1788.

Dear Sir

I am now ready for Sea with my little Ship once more in most excellent order and every Man on board in very good health. I flatter myself with a speedy passage to Otaheite as I apprehend there will be no want of wind. I might wood & water at Botany Bay with little loss of time and it may be imagined I will do so, but I cannot think of putting it in the power of chance to prevent my accomplishing the object of the Voyage. I shall therefore pass our Friends there, but could I have taken in any considerable supply it would have been for the good of the service for me to have done it and I should. In the present case I can render them no service, and Government will hear of them before any accounts could be brought home by me. Should any unforseen accident drive me there I have a great many seeds and some fruit plants which I shall leave with them.

There are no homeward bound Ships here at present or any English, but as there are some Dutch Indiamen expected from China & Ceylon, by that means this may be sent away very soon, as the homeward bound Ships do not remain after July.

I am now to take my leave of you Sir for a long time. I wish you to enjoy the most perfect health & happyness and to see you satisfyed with my conduct on my return will give the greatest pleasure to

Dear Sir Your most obliged and very faithful Hmble Servant Wm Bligh

The Time Keeper you was so good as to send with me performs remarkably well

To Sir Joseph Banks Bar't.

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