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22. Mutiny on HMS. ‘Bounty’ (with decoration) – oil on wooden panel (36" by 60")

As the first rays of a fiery dawn transverse the deck Bligh is brought up in his nightshirt with his hands tightly bound. Most of the crew are content to stand by and watch the interaction between the protagonists. Christian shouts, ‘Hold your tongue sir, or you are dead this instant.’ These next few moments will determine the course of the rest of their lives and the realisation makes some unsure, some bold, but causes the alarmed majority to huddle in groups so far away from the action as to appear separate – but still within earshot. A vacant space in the center of the panel is there as a reminder of the gulf that had developed in the relationship between Bligh and Christian. The painting is in the neo-classical style of an operatic tableau with the main actors positioned for maximum effect.

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