Aaron Graham (Advocate)
Captain Sir Thomas Pasley R.N.
Ness Heywood (his niece)
Sir Joseph Banks R.S.
The Admiral, Earl Richard Howe
Duncan Campbell

Thomas Ellison Ab.
Peter Heywood R.N.
James Morrison R.N.
Thomas Burkitt Ab.
John Millward Ab., William Muspratt Ab.
Byrne, Coleman, McIntosh, Norman.

Master, John Fryer R.N.
Boatswain, William Cole R.N.
Lieutenant Thomas Hayward R.N.
Midshipman, John Hallett R.N.
Captain Edward Edwards R.N. HMS 'Pandora'
Lieutenant Corner R.N. HMS 'Pandora'
Lieutenant Larkin R.N. HMS 'Pandora'

Mr Pitt, First Lord of the Admiralty and brother of the Prime Minister – William Pitt the Younger
Earl Richard Howe (Lord Howe) Admiral C in C of the British Fleet.
Earl George John Spenser (Lord Spencer) First Secretary to the Admiralty

Edward Lamb R.N. Britannia
Lawrence Lebogue, sailmaker.
Campbell’s men: Ferris Bullock and ‘The Breaker’

My own research has led me to check many elements my story, and in this regard James Morrison's published Narrative, William Bligh's own letters, the records of the actual Court Martial as well as other historical documents have assisted me greatly to the extent I often quote directly from their pages. Those parts that can be authenticated have been. For those who wish to check for themselves I would suggest the following works as a beginning;

The Mutiny of the Bounty by John Barrow
The Bounty Bastard – the true story of Captain William Bligh. by Kenneth Allen.
The Life of Vice Admiral William Bligh R.N. F.R.S. by George Mackaness.
William Bligh, 1754-1817 Some Correspondence with John and Francis Godolphin Bond, 1776-1811 by George Mackaness.
The Rum Rebellion by H.V. Evatt
Captain Bligh and Mr Christian; the men and the mutiny. by Richard Hough.
Mutiny and Romance in the South Seas by Sven Wahlroos

With special thanks to;
To create atmosphere I have borrowed certain language, expressions and sayings from:
Joseph Conrad,
Moby Dick,
Charles Dickens – A tale of Two Cities,
1811 Dictionary of Common Slang and Baudy Language,
Sir John Barrow,
Samuel Phelps – Travels,
Dalrymple – Voyages,
Lord Byron, T.B.Clark – Omai,
James Cook
The Naval Chronicle 1816,
Gentleman’s Magazine 1792,
Robert Langdon Tahiti Island of Love 1959,
Christopher Lloyd The British Seaman 1200-1860,
George Mackaness,
Pacific Islands Monthly 1933-38,
Bernard Cornwell – Richard Sharpe and the Napoleonic Wars.
