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4. Cpt. William Bligh 1789 – oil on canvas (21¼" by 29")

A portrait in the manner made popular by the French artist Fragonard – but without any cloying romanticism. It is a representation of Bligh at age thirty-four in his expensive new uniform and on his elevation to Post Captain (Captain without a command). As with most portraits of the day clues to the sitter's rank, occupation and notoriety become elements in the finished product. Under his hand is a pamphlet advertising the 1789 publication of his Narrative. Its heading is ‘A Voyage to the South Seas.' Bligh was the only son of a custom's officer who died soon after Bligh was born. His mother re-married and produced a step-brother who became a pastor and one of Bligh's greatest defenders. Bligh was a talented man of little means who greatly desired fame and fortune. His book sold well and made a tidy profit. His wife Betsy came from the Isle of Man.

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