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Pitcairn Island Civil Recorder, Part Two:
"Rulers of Pitcairn Island" and
"Chief Magistrates etc"
(1864 - 1963)

Rulers of Pitcairn Island. 29

Since its re-settlement in 1864 to the present time.

1864 Thursday October Christian, chief Magistrate, Moses Young and Mayhew Young, councillors.
1865 Moses Young, chief Magistrate, Robert Buffett and Mayhew Young, councillors.
1866 Moses Young, chief Magistrate, Mayhew Young and Robert Buffett, councillors.
1867 Thursday O. Christian, Chief Magistrate, Moses Young and Mayhew Young, councillors.
1868 Robert Buffett, chief Magistrate.
1869 Moses Young, chief Magistrate, Robert Buffett, and Russell McCoy, councillors.
1870 Russell McCoy, chief Magistrate, Robert Buffett and Robert Young, councillors.
1871 J Russell M'Coy, chief Magistrate, Moses Young, and Robert Young, councillors.
1872 J. Russell McCoy, chief Magistrate, John Buffett Sr and Moses Young, councillors.
1873 Thursday O. Christian, chief Magistrate, and Mayhew Young, and Alphonso Christian, councillors.

30 Rulers of Pitcairn Island.

1875 Moses Young, chief Magistrate
1876 Thursday 0. Christian, chief Magistrate
1878-'79 James Russell McCoy, chief Magistrate, Vieder Young and Benj. Stanley Young, councillors
1880 Thursday 0. Christian, chief Magistrate, Benj. Young, and Edward Young, councillors.
1881 Moses Young, chief Magistrate, Benj. Young and Richard Young, councillors
1882 Thursday 0. Christian, chief Magistrate, Edward Young, councillor
1883 J. Russell McCoy, chief Magistrate, Vieder Young, and Elias Christian, councillors
1884-'85 Benjamin Young, chief Magistrate, Vieder Young and Edward Young, councillors
1886-'88 J. Russell McCoy, Daniel Christian and Elias Christian, councillors
1889 J. Russell McCoy, Alfred Young, and Elias Christian, councillors.

Rulers of Pitcairn Island. 31

1889 J. Russell McCoy, Alfred Young, and Elias Christian, councillors.
1890-'91 Charles Vieder Young, chief Magistrate, Alfred Young and Elias Christian, councillors.
1892 Benjamin Young, chief Magistrate, Childers Young, and Gerard Christian, councillors.

      With the last entered date, the form of government that had been followed since 1864, and which had in fact dated back to several years prior to the removal of the people to Norfolk Island in 1856, ceased, and the suggestion made by Capt Rookes, of H.B.M.S. "Champion" was adopted and put into effect.

      This suggestion will be seen by referring back to page 2.

32 Rulers of Pitcairn Island.

1893 J.R. McCoy, President, C. Vieder Young, vice-president, Edward S. Young, Judge, W. Childers Young, secretary. Benjamin Young, E. Heywood Christian, and Gerard R. Christian.
1894 J.R. McCoy, President, W. Alfred Young, Vice-president, Benj. Young, Judge, Gerard Christian, secretary. Heywood Christian, Francis Christian, and Samuel Young.
1895 J.R. McCoy, President, Benj. S. Young, vice-president and judge, Heywood Christian, judge. Samuel Young, Secretary, Francis Christian, Gerard Christian, and Daniel Christian.
1896 J.R. McCoy, President and judge, W.A. Young, vice-president, Moses Young, 2nd judge, Samuel Young secretary, Heywood Christian, Gerard Christian, and Sandford Warren.
1897 W. Alfred Young, President, Gerard Christian, vice-president, Moses Young and Daniel Christian judges, Francis Christian, secretary, Sandford Warren and Rob' Buffett.
      Later, during this year, Moses Young and Francis C. resigned their places, and the names of J.R. McCoy and Arthur Young were elected to fill the vacancy.
      Again, on the 23'd August of the same year, Daniel Christian was discharged from his office, and Samuel Young filled his place. Robert Buffett had, on Moses Young's resignation, been appointed to the office of 2nd judge, now also resigned his place, which was again filled, this time by Alfred Young, who was also president.

Rulers of Pitcairn Island. 33

1898 The Parliament for this year consisted of J.R. M'Coy president, (absent until april 1898) Gerard Christian, vice pres. Henry H. Christian Sec, Vieder Young and Francis Christian, judges, William H. Christian and Moses Young.
1899 J.R. McCoy pres. Gerard Christian, vice-pres. Skelly Warren, sec. Francis Christian and Moses Young, judges, Alphonso Christian and Sandford Warren.
1900 J.R. McCoy pres. Gerard Christian, vice-pres. Vieder Young and Arthur H. Young, judges, George C. Warren, sec. Skelly Warren, and David Young.
1901 J.R. McCoy, pres. Gerard Christian, vice-pres. Vieder Young and Benj. Young, judges, George Warren, sec. Moses Young and Heywood Christian.
1902 J.R. McCoy, pres. Gerard Christian, vice-pres — Heywood Christian and Daniel Christian, judges, Skelly Warren, secretary, Benjamin Young and Moses Young.
1903 J.R. McCoy, pres. Gerard Christian vice-pres. Moses Young and Daniel Christian judges, Francis Christian, secretary, Alphonso Christian and Phil Coffin.
1904 W.A. Young pres. Francis Christian vice pres. William Christian and Daniel judges, the latter who died during the month of March 51" and Sanford Warren was appointed in his place, Skelly Warren Sec. Heywood and Phonso Christian.

34 Chief Magistrates etc. of Pitcairn Island from May 19, 1904.

At this date the form of government published by
Mr Deputy Commissioner R.T. Simons came into force.

Chief Magistrate W.A. Young
Assessors W. Christian, George Warren
Government Sec. W.H. Petch
Internal Committee Herbert Young, ch. Edmond McCoy, Edward Christian
External W.H. Petch, David Young, Edgar Christian
Council of Ch. Magistrate, Assessors & Chairmen of the two Committees.

1905 (January 11
Chief Magistrate J.R. McCoy
Assessors Vieder Young, Fred Christian
Government Sec. W.H. Petch
Internal Committee ch. M.E. McCoy, Alphonso Christian, Heywood Christian
External W.H. Petch, David Young, Edgar Christian
Council of Ch. Magistrate Assessors & Chairmen of the two Committees.

1906 (January 11
Chief Magistrate J.R. McCoy
Assessors Robert Young, Sandford Warren
Government Sec. W.H. Petch
Internal Committee chairman Francis Hickson Christian, members F.M. Christian, George Warren
Externa Committee chairman Edgar Christian, members W.H. Petch, David Young
Council of Ch. Magistrate Assessors & Chairmen of the two Committees.


1907 January 1st.
Chief Magistrate A.H. Young
Assessors William Christian, Edgar Christian
Government Secretary W.H. Petch
Internal Committee David Young, chairman
Members: Vieder Young, Sandford Warren
External Committee Edmond McCoy, chairman
Members: W.H. Petch, George Warren

1908 January 1st.
Chief Magistrate Alfred Young
Assessors Allen Christian, William Christian
Government Secretary M.H. Carey
Internal Committe Vieder Young chairman
Members Parkin and Fred Christian
External Committee Gerard Christian — chairman
Members Herbert Young, Skelly Warren

1909 January 1
Chief Magistrate Edmund McCoy
Assessors Fred Christian, Fisher Young
Internal Committe Vieder Young, chairman
Members: Gerard & Fred Christian
External Committee Gerard Christian, chairman
Members: David and Norris Young
Government Secretary David Young

36 Chief Magistrates etc. of Pitcairn Is. for 1910.

1910 January
Chief Magistrate Gerard Christian
Assessors Parkins & Sydney Christian
Internal Committee William Christian, Chair
Members Herbert Young, Skelly Warren
External Committee Vieder Young, Chair
Members Benjamin Young, Phonso Christian
Secretary Fisher Young

1911 January 1st.
Chief Magistrate Gerard Christian
Assessors Parkins Christian & Norris Young
Inter. Committe Edmund McCoy
Exter. Committe Fred Christian
Gov. Sec. Fisher Young

1912 January 1st.
Chief Magistrate Gerard Christian
Assessors Herbert Young, George Warren
Inter. Committee Edmund McCoy Chair
Members, Herbert Young, George Warren
Secretary David Young

Chief Magistrate Gerard Christian
Assessors Fred and Francis Christian
Int. Committee Sanford Warren
Members, Allen and Parkins Christian
Sect. David Young

Chief Magistrates etc. of Pitcairn Island for 1916. 37

1914 January 1st.
Chief Magistrate Gerard Christian
Assessors William and Edgar Christian
Chairman Internal Committe Sanford Warren
[Members " "] Fred Christian and Norris Young
Gov. Sect. David Young

1915 January 1st. 1915
Chief Magistrate Gerard Christian
Assessors William and Edgar Christian
Chairman of Int. Committe Parkins Christian
Members Calvert and Skelly Warren
Government Secretary David Young
Assistant Burnell Young

1916 January 1st. 1916
Chief Magistrate Gerard Christian
Assessors William Christian
" Sanford Warren
Chairman Internal Committe Skelly Warren
Government Secretary Edgar Christian
Members of Committe Parkins and Lancy Christian

1917 January 1st. 1917
Chief Magistrate Gerard Christian
Assessors Calvert Warren and Edwin Christian
Chairman Internal Committe Norris Young
Members of " " Elliott Christian and David Young
Government Secretary Edgar Christian
Ass. " " David A. Young

38 Chief Magistrate etc. of Pitcairn Island, 1918.

1918 January 1st.
Chief Magistrate Gerard Christian
Assessors Sydney and Edwin Christian
Chairman Internal Committe Parkins Christian
Members of " " Elliott and Allen Christian
Government Secretary Edgar Christian
Ass " " John Christian

1919 January 1st.
Chief Magistrate Gerard Christian
Members of Council Sanford Warren
Assesors Norris Young
Secretary — Edgar Christian
Asst. " John Christian

1920 January 1st.
Chief Magistrate Parkins Christian
Assesors Francis & Fred Warren
Chairman Committe Charlie Young
Secretary Edgar Christian
Members of Committe David & Virgil "

1921 January 1st.
Chief Magistrate Fred Christian
Assesors Sanford Warren
" Edwin Christian
Chairman of Committe Norris Young
Gov't Secretary Edgar Christian
Members of Committe Lancy Christian
" Selwyn Warren

Chief Magistrate etc. of Pitcairn Island 1922. 39

1922 January 1st.
Chief Magistrate Parkins Christian
Assesors Elliott "
" Cook Coffin
Chairman of Committe Herbert Young
Secretary Burnett "
Members of Committe Sanford & Elmer Warren
Constable Edgar Christian

1923 Jan. 1st
Chief Magistrate Edgar Christian
Assessors Parkins "
" Rollin Warren
Chairman of Committe William Christian
Secretary David Young
Members of Committe Norris and Burnett Young
Constable Allen Christian

1924 January 1st.
Chief Magistrate Edgar Christian
Assessors Cook Coffin
" Fred Warren
Chairman of Committe Parkins Christian
Members Herbert, Rollin Christn.
Secretary David Young

1925 January 1st.
Chief Magistrate Parkins Christian
Assessors Cook Coffin
" Elliott Christian
Chairman Int. Committe Vernon Young
Members Thornton Christian, Sanford Warren
Gov. Sec. David Young

40 Chief Magistrate etc. of Pitcairn Island 1926.

1926 January 1st
Chief Magistrate Richard Edgar Christian
Assessors Norris Young and Rollin Warren
Chairman Internal Committe William Christian
Members of " Edwin Young and Virgil Chr.
Government Secretary David Young

Chief Magistrate Richard E. Christian
Assessors Norris Young and Wm. "
Chairman Int. Committe Charlie Young
Members " Christie W. and Fred Brown
Gov. Sect. David Young
Ass. " " Vernon "

Chief Magistrate Richard E. Christian
Assessors Parkins Christian and Cook Coffin
Chairman Int. Committe Percy Young
Members " " Sanford Warren and John Christian
Gov. Sect. David Young
Ass. Gov. Sec. Vernon "

1929 January 1st.
Chief Magistrate Richard E. Christian
Assessors Sanford W. and Cook Coffin
Chairman Internal Committe John Christian
Members Cook Coffin and Allen Christian
Government Secretary David A. Young

Chief Magistrate etc. of Pitcairn Island. 41

1930 January 2st 1930 A.D.
Chief Magistrate Arthur H. Young
Assessors Sylwin W. and Fred B.
Chairman Int. Com. Parkins Christian
Members " " Charlie Young and Sanford Warren
Government Secretary Vernon Young

1931 January 1st 1931.
Chief Magistrate Arthur H. Young
Assessors Selwin W. & Theodore Y.
Chairman Int. Com. Parkins Christian
Members Cook Coffin & Virgil C.
Secretary Vernon Young
" Edgar "

1932 January 1, 1932.
Chief Magistrate Edgar Christian
Assesors Selwyn Warren
" Elmer "
Chairman of Committe Fredrick Brown
Members of " Elwyn Christian
Wallace Warren
Government Secretary Theodore Young

1933 January 1933.
Chief Magistrate. Parkins Christian
Assesors. Thornton and Vernon
Chairman. Cook Coffin; an Alonzo& Wilkes]
Secretary Edgar Christian
" Theodore Young

42 Chief Magistrate etc. of Pitcairn Island for 1934

1934 January 1934.
Chief Magistrate Parkins Christian
Assessors George Warren & Vernon Young
Chairman Internal Committe Alonzo Young
Members for Int. Committe Sanford & Sylwin W.
Government Sect. David Young
Assistant Sect. Vernon "

1935 January 1935
Chief Magistrate R. E. Christian
Assessors Calvert Warren, Fred Brown
Chairman Internal Committee, Burnell Young
Members Internal Committee Parkin & Elwyn Christian
Government Secretary Charles Young
Assistant " Anderson Warren & Warren Christian
Constable John & Bert Christian

1936 1936
Chief Magistrate Richard E Christian
Assessors Calvert Warren, Fred Brown
Chairman Internal Com Cook Coffin
" Alwyn & Alonzo
Government Secretary Chas R Young

Chief Magistrate etc. of Pitcairn Island for 1937. 43

1937 January 1937.
Chief Magistrate R.E. Christian
Assessors Fred Brown & Roy Clark
Chairman Internal Committee Grant Young
Members Warren Christian, Atkin Warren
Government Sect. Andrew Young

1938 January 1938.
Chief Magistrate R. E. Christian
Assesors Herbert Young
" David Young
Chairman Internal Committe Cook Coffin
Members Eric Young, Arnold Christian
Government Sect. Andrew C. Young

1939 January 1939.
Chief Magistrate A.H. Young
Assesors Theo Young
" Alywin Warren
Chairman Internal Committe Cook Coffin
Members Eric Young, Arnold Christian
Government Sect. Vernon S. Young; resign Cairn Christian

1940 January 1940
Chief Magistrate Richard Edgar Christian died June, David Young take his place
Assesors Calvert Warren
" Fred "
Chairman of Internal Committe Warren Christian
Members Cairn "
" Burnett "
Government Secretary Andrew Young

44 Chief Magistrate of Pitcairn Island and other

1941 January to December 1941
Chief Magistrate Herbert Young
Assessors Vernon "
" Theo. "
Secretary Andrew "
Chairman I.C. John Christian
Members " Calvert Warren
" Norris Young
Postmaster Roy Clark
Policemen Burnett Christian
" Calvert Warren

January to December 1942
Chief Magistrate Fred Christian
Assessors Oliver Clark
" George Warren
Secretary Andrew Young
Chairman I.C. Virgil Christian
Members " Christie Grant;Warren
" Grant Young
Postmaster Roy Clark
Policemen Warren Christian
" Eric Young

Officers for the years listed below. 45

1943 January to December 1943
Chief Magistrate Fred Christian
Assessors John Christian
" Wilks Young
Secretary Andrew Young
Chairman I.C. Cook Coffin
Members " Fred Brown
" Arnold Christian
Postmaster Roy Clark
Policemen Grant Young
" Selwyn Warren

1944 January to December 1944
Chief Magistrate Parkin Christian
Assessors Christie Warren
" Warren Christian
Secretary Andrew Young
Chairman I.C. Theo. Christian
Members " Melville Christian
" Henry Young
Secretary Andrcw Young
Postmaster Roy Clark
Policemen Vernon Young
" Virgil Christian
Warder for one month Collin Warren
" Selwyn "

46 Chief Magistrate and Other Officers for Pitcairn

1945 January to December 1945
Chief Magistrate to Sept. Parkin Christian (went to Raratonga); Norris Young"
" Sept. to December Norris Young
Assessors - Jan to Sept. Warren Christian
" - Sept. to December John Christian
" Andrew Young
Secretary Cook Coffin went to N Z
Chairman I.C. Fred Brown
Members " Bert Christian
" Wallace Warren
Postmaster Roy Clark
Policemen Grant Young
" Arnold Christian

January to December 1946
Chief Magistrate Norris Young
Assessors Jan. to March. Vernon Young went to N Z
" March to December Wallace Warren
" Warren Christian
Secretary Andrew Young
Chairman I.C. Theo. Young
Members " Grant "
" Selwyn Warren
Postmaster Roy Clark
Policemen Christie Warren
" Ivan Christian

Island during the years listed below. 47

1947 January to December 1947
Chief Magistrate Norris Young
Assessors Oliver Clark
" Warren Christian
Secretary Andrew Young
Chairman I.C. Ivan Christian
Members " Cook Coffin
" Arnold Christian
Postmaster Roy Clark
Policemen Vernon Young
" Grant Young
Wireless Operator G. Long
Warder (one month) Alwyn Warren

1948 January to December 1948
Chief Magistrate Norris Young
Assessors Theo. Young
" Warren Christian
Secretary Andrew Young
Chairman I.C. Grant Young
Members " Oliver Clark
" Arnold Christian
Postmaster Roy Clark
Policemen Vernon Young
" Melville Christian
Wireless Operator G. Long

48 Chief Magistrate and other Officers for

1949 January to December 1949
Chief Magistrate. Parkin Christian
Assessors Floyd McCoy
" Ivan Christian
Secretary Andrew Young
Chairman I.C. Arnold Christian
Members " Selwyn Warren
" Samuel Young
Postmaster Roy Clark
Policemen Elwyn Christian
" Melville "
Wireless P. Long

1950 Chief Mag. Warren Christian 1951 Chief Mag. Warren Christian
Assessors Christie Warren Assessors. Christie Warren
" Floyd McCoy Vernon Young
Chmn. Alwyn Warren Chmn I.C. Oliver Clark
Members Selwyn " Members Wallace Warren
" Cook Coffin Grant Young
Sect. Andrew Young Sect. Andrew Young
Ass. Bert Christian Asst. Bert Christian
Postmaster Roy Clark Postmaster Roy Clark
Assistant Oscar Clark Asst. Ben Christian; Oscar Clark
Police Melville Christian Police Floyd McCoy
" Arnold Christian Asst. Arnold Christian

1952 Chief Mag. John Christian 1953 Ch. Mag. John Christian
Assessors Christie Warren Ass. Thornton Christian
Vernon Young " Christie Warren
Chmn. I.C. Langford Warren Chmn I.C. Clarence Young
Members Pervis Young Members Len Brown
Wiles Warren " Clive Christian
Sect. Andrew Young Sect. Andrew Young
Asst. Bert Christian Asst. Bert Christian
Postmaster Roy Clark Postmaster Roy Clark
Asst. Ben Christian; Oscar Clark Asst. Oscar Clark
Policemen Floyd McCoy Policemen Floyd McCoy
Asst. Arnold Christian Asst. Arnold Christian

Pitcairn Island during the years listed below 49

1954 Ch. Mag. John Christian 1955 Ch. Mag. Parkin Christian
Assessors Warren Christian Assessors Anderson Warren
" Vernon Young Warren Christian
Chmn. I.C. Fred Brown, (resign 28.2.54) Chmn I.C. Christie Warren
" PervisYoung takeover " Members Grant Young
Members Arnold Christian Langford Warren
" Ernest Clark Sect. Andrew Young
Sect. Andrew Young Asst. Bert Christian
Asst. Bert Christian Postmaster Roy Clark
Postmaster Roy Clark Asst. Oscar Clark
Asst. Oscar Clark Police Officer Floyd McCoy
Policemen Floyd McCoy

1956 Ch. Mag Parkin Christian 1957 Ch Mag. Parkin Christian
Ass. Fred Christian Ass. Vernon Young
" Warren Christian Ivan Christian
Chmn. I.C. Arnold Christian Chmn I.C. Pervis Young
Members Len Brown Members Clement Christian
" Ernest Clark Bruce Young
Sect. Andrew Young Sect. - Andrew Young
Asst. Bert Christian Asst. Bert Christian
Postmaster Roy Clark Postmaster Roy Clark
Asst. Oscar Clark Asst. Oscar Clark
Police Off. Floyd McCoy Police Off. Floyd McCoy
Wireless Opr. Tom Christian Wireless Off. Tom Christian
Engineer Langford Warren Engineer Langford Warren
Electrician Clarence Young Electrician Clarence Young

50 Officers for Pitcairn Island during the

1958 Ch. Mag. Warren Christian 1959 Ch. Mag. Warren Christian, Resign
Ass. Parkin Christian Oct 8 " " John Christian
Ivan Christian Ass. Vernon Young; Elwyn Christian
Chmn. I.C. Oliver Clark " Ivan Christian
Members Radley Christian Chmn I.C. Pervis Willas Young
Wiles Warren Members Pervis Young
Sect. Andrew Young " Clement Christian resign
Asst. Bert Christian July Len Brown
Postmaster Oscar Clark Sect Andrew Young
Asst. Ben Christian Asst. Bert Christian
Police off. Floyd McCoy Postmaster Oscar Clark
Wireless off. Tom Christian Asst. Ben Christian
Asst. Anderson Warren Wireless off. Anderson Warren
Tom Christian
Engineer Langford Warren Police off. Flloyd McCoy
Electrician Clarence Young Engineer Wiles Warren
Electrician Len Brown

1960 Ch. Mag. John Christian 1961 Ch mag. John Christian
Ass. Elwyn Christian Ass. Cohn Warren Leave March
" Henry Young " Ivan Christian March - takeover Henry Young
Chmn. I.C. Len Brown Chmn. Wilkes Young Leave Sept; Jacob Warren
Members Jacob Warren Members
" Radley Christian Leave " Pervis Young takeover; Keen Warren leave May
" Pervis Young - takeover " Wallace Warren
Sect. Andrew Young Sect. Andrew Young leave May; Bert Christian
Asst. Bert Christian Ass. Bruce Young - May to Sept
Postmaster Oscar Clark Typist Marie Christian
Asst. Ben Christian Postmaster Oscar Clark
Police off. Floyd McCoy Asst. Ben Christian
Wireless opr. Tom Christian Police off. Floyd McCoy
Asst. Anderson Warren Engineer Wiles Warren
Engineer Wiles Warren Electrician Len Brown
Electrician Len Brown Agriculturalist Desmond Christian
Agriculturalist Desmond Christian Wireless Tom Christian
Asst. Anderson Warren

Months Listed below. 51

1962 Ch. Mag. John Christian
Ass. Vernon Young
" Henry Young
Chmn I.C. Ivan Young
Members Radley Christian
" Samy Young
Sect. Andrew Young
Asst. Bert Christian
Postmaster Oscar Clark
Asst. Ben Christian
Police Off. Floyd McCoy
Wireless off. Tom Christian
Asst. Anderson Warren
Engineer Wiles Warren
Electrician Len Brown
Agriculturalist Vernon Young

1963 Ch. Mag. John Christian
Ass. Ivan Christian
" Elwyn Christian
Sect. Ben Christian
" Bert Christian
Chmn. I C Radley Christian
Members Sam Young
" Pervis Young
Postmaster Oscar Clark
Asst. Warren Christian
Police off. Floyd McCoy
Wireless off. Tom Christian
Asst. Anderson Warren
Engineer Wiles Warren
Electrician Len Brown
Agriculturalist Desmond Christian

Document no. 93. 1864 - 1963. "Pitcairn Island Civil Recorder, Part Two: 'Rulers of Pitcairn Island' and 'Chief Magistrates etc.' Pages 1546 to 1591.

This transcription was made from a documents in a collection of documents at the University of Hawai'i at Manoa Library.

Last updated by Tom Tyler, Denver, CO, USA, December 29, 2024.

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