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1860 - 1937

([From the Pitcairn Island Civil Recorder]


Oct 1860 Her Majesty's Ship "Calypso", commanded by Captain Montresor.
14 Oct 1862 H.M.S. "Charybdis" Captain J.D. Keane.
13 Aug 1863 H.M.S. "Tribune" commanded by Richard James, Lord Gifford.
28 Mar 1864 H.M.S. "Sutley" commanded by Captain Connolly, bearing the flag of Rear-Admiral John Kingcomber.
26 Nov 1866 H.M.S. "Mutine" Captain Swinburne.
18 Dec 1869 H.M.S. "Reindeer" Captain Edward Nares.
25 Jul 1873 H.M.S. "Chameleon" Karl H.A. Mainwaring, commander.
22 Jan 1876 H.M.S. "Peterel" Captain N.E. Cookson.
8 Sep 1878 H.M.S. "Shah" Captain J.D. Bedford, Bearing the flag of Rear-Admiral Algernon F.R. de Horsey. The Admiral stayed over the Sunday, and invited the islanders to breakfast on board, the following day Monday, where a warm welcome and delightful time was enjoyed.....
2 Jul 1879 H.M.S. "Opal" commanded by Captain Frederick C.B. Robinson, bringing the beautiful gift of an organ, a present from our beloved Queen.
29 Mar 1880 H.M.S. "Osprey" Captain A' Court. By the "Osprey" came the noble gifts of a life-boat, the "Queen Victoria", and a surf-boat the "Admiral Drew", from the dear friends in England. In addition, a large present of various useful things. These gifts were the substantial acknowledgement of services rendered by the Pitcairn Island people, to distressed seamen who were wrecked both on this island, and on Oeno Island.
18 Apr 1881 H.M.S. "Thetis" Captain Prescott W. Stevens The good captain died before he was ordered home.
2 Jul 1882 H.M.S. "Sappho" Captain Clarke.
2 Jun 1883 H.M.S. "Kingfisher" Reginald Heber Thornton, Commander, (Grandson of Bishop Reginal Heber.)
18 Mar 1884 H.M.S. "Constance" Captain Frederick P. Doughty.
18 Dec 1885 H.M.S. "Satellite" Arthur Alington, Capt.
18 Oct 1886 H.M.S. "Pelican" R.W. Hope, Commander. Bringing as passenger to the island, from Tahiti, John I. Tay, S.D. Adventist missionary.
18 Dec 1887 H.M.S. "Cormorant" Captain Nicols. The captain gave a delightful entertainment on board for the islanders' pleasure, they too, taking part in the singing, by turns.
10 Jul 1889 H.M.S. "Cormorant", homeward bound, - Captain Nicols did not live to reach home. (The Cormorant bro't a gift of the newly-struck jubilee coins to the women from the queen.)
3 Dec 1890 H.M.S. "Acorn" Captain Polland, bringing the Queen's gracious answer to the letter of acknowledgment of her gift of the jubilee coins.
6 Feb 1892 H.M.S. "Garnet," H. Hughes-Hallett Commander.
3 Oct 1892 H.M.S. "Champion" Captain E. Rooke.
28 Jul 1893 H.M.S. "Hyacinth", commanded by Henry J. May C.B. The breaking out of the awful fever. Some of the shipwrecked Bouden's crew removed.
17 Feb 1895 H.M.S. "Hyacinth" Captain May.
9 Feb 1896 H.M.S. "Wild-Swan," Captain Napier
3 Nov 1897 H.M.S. "Cornus" Captain Dyke.
27 Aug 1898 "H.M.S. ""Royalist"" Captain Torlesse The ""Royalist"" was sent from Sydney, Australia, having on board Mr Hamilton Hunter, from Fiji, on the saddest mission on which a ship of war can be sent. With the ""Royalist"" ends the list of Her Majesty's Ships. Our beloved and deeply mourned gracious Sovereign, Queen Victoria, ended her long life, and her long and honored reign on the 22nd January 1901. While we mourn the passing of the greatest and best sovereign that ever graced the British throne, we join in wishing our present Monarch and His Gracious Queen, Long life, prosperity and happiness."


21 Feb 1901 H.M.S. "Icarus" commanded by George Knowling.
16 Jan 1903 H.M.S. "Shearwater." Umfreville Commander.
19 Jul 1906 H.M.S "Cambrian" Captain E.S.S. Gaunt } in company.
H.M.S. "Flora" Captain Dalton } in company.
9 Jun 1907 H.M.S. "Torch" Quayle, commander
6 Jul 1909 H.M.S. "Flora", Captain Roland Nugent } in company.
H.M.S. "Cambrian" Captain Vaugan Lewes } in company.
27 Jan 1911 H.M.S. "Algerine" Capt. Jones.
9 Mar H.M.S. "Challenger" Captain G. Gaunt R.N
7 Mar 1913 H.M.S "Algerine" Capt. F.G. Brooker
7 Aug 1937 H.M.S "Leander Capt. Rivett-Carnack.


      The tables above have been reformatted from the original manuscript text.

Document no. 79. 1860 - 1937. "Pitcairn Island Civil Recorder, Part Four: 'List of HMS Ships'". Pages 1392 to 1397.

This transription was made from a documents in a collection of documents at the University of Hawai'i at Manoa Library.

Last updated by Tom Tyler, Denver, CO, USA, December 29, 2024.

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