
HMS Beagle Surveys between 1830 and 1839

United Kingdom Hydrographic Office, Taunton

NOTE: Table converted from MS Word to XHTML format, and a bit of “clean-up” work still needs doing. See additional notes at bottom of Table.

Office MarkShelfDate StampWidthHeightTitle & Comments

Note: A date, page number and place refers to the page in FitzRoy’s Narrative… on which the date of arrival or departure is given for the indicated place. An underlined page number is a link to that page in the Narrative… .


G215Ft23 Oct 1839(not seen)Chart of the Strait of Magalhenes


H497Ft26 May 183125¼19¾Chart of part of the South West Coast of Tierra del Fuego Surveyed in H. M. Sloop Beagle 1829-30 by Robert Fitz-Roy Commander
Matthew Murray Master
J. Lort Stokes Midn.
South-West Coast of Tierra del Fuego from Lat 55°55' to 54°50' Shows grid ⅛ vertical × ¼ horizontal.
H499Fp26 May 183125¼19¾ Part of the South East Coast of Tierra del Fuego Surveyed in H. M. Sloop Beagle 1829-30 by Robert Fitz-Roy Commander
Matthew Murray Master
J. Lort Stokes Midn.
By Order of Phillip Parker King Esqr. Captain in LLH, and Staten Island copied from the Survey of Lieutenant E. N. Kendall by Robert Fitz-Roy in LRH
Shows pencilled grid of 116" lines, probably used when this chart was copied from the original.
H500Fq26 May 1831(not seen) Chart of Part of the Southern Coast of Tierra del Fuego Surveyed in H. M. Sloop Beagle 1829-30 by Robert Fitz-Roy Commander
Matthew Murray Master
J. Lort Stokes Midn.
By Order of Phillip Parker King Esqr. Captain in LLH, and Staten Island copied from the Survey of Lieutenant E. N. Kendall by Robert Fitz-Roy.


H420(none)30 June 18321511Pennado de San Pedro or St. Pauls Rocks by the Officers of the Beagle. Chart of the rocks, plus a view of the rocks from s.w. one mile. Pencilled notation in upper RHC. “Atlantic Folio 1” written below border. “Beagle's Track” written on chart, and track shown in red.
15 February 1832, p. 56, St. Paul's Rocks
H421Fp30 June 18321325Part of the approach to and anchorages off St. Salvador By the Officers of the Beagle 1832. Signed Robt. Fitz Roy.
28 February 1832, p. 60. Bahia [or, San Salvador]
H422He30 June 18321723Track of His Majestys Surveying Sloop Beagle 1831-2 by John Lord [sic, Lort] Stokes Assistant Surveyor. Chart showing position of supposed 8 stones, Porto Santo (both due north of Tenerife), Tenerife, St. Jago [with well-ruled lines, solid border]. Signed Robt. Fitz Roy in LRH.
3 January 1832, p. 46, 8 stones
4 January 1832, p. 46, Porto Santo
6 January 1832, p. 47, Teneriffe
15 January 1832, p. 51, St. Jago
H423He30 June 183217½23½Track of His Majestys Surveying Sloop Beagle 1831-2 by John Lord Stokes Assistant Surveyor. Shows track over Saint Jago to Bahia and Abrolhos to Raza Islands.
15 January 1832, p. 51, St. Jago
28 February 1832, p. 60, Bahia
3 April 1832, p. 73, Raza
H424AF130 June 183223¾34½Track of His Majestys Surveying Sloop Beagle 1831-2 by John Lord Stokes Assistant Surveyor. Track from Bahia to the Abrolhos. Signed Robt. Fitz Roy in LRH.
18 March 1832, p. 63, Bahia
28 March 1832, p. 64, Abrolhos
H425AF330 June 183224¼37⅜SOUTH AMERICA, East Coast III. Chiefly from the French Survey By M. le Baron Roussin Capitaine de Vaifseau &c. &c. in 1819 & 1820. Handwritten signature of Robert Fitz Roy next to this printed title, but otherwise not signed. Shows track from “Bahia or B. of Todos os Santos” to bottom of chart. Two tracks shown; one in black with “N. xx R.” where “xx” is a number (23rd, 24th, etc). Pencilled note near LRH “Suplhr 1835 Beechey” and below that “1836 Belchar” Below that, “Track in March 1832.” The other track is in red. “(Tartar's Remarks Book for 1823)” near LLH.
27 March 1832, p. 64, FitzRoy mentions Roussin's chart.
H426Cc30 June 183224⅜18⅞Outline of Porto Praya by the Officers of the Beagle 1832. Cape Verde Islands.
16 January 1832, p. 51, Porto Praya


L75Fp(none)15¾25By the Officers of the Beagle March 1832. Shows soundings on the Bank of San Antonio. Set of 5 numbered notes at ULH 1. When the Light House is on … etc.
August 1832, p. 95, San Antonio
H490/1-6Fq14 Feb. 1833Coast of South America (Eastern) about C Corrientes. 6 Sheets
17½22No. 1 Bahia Blanca. Port Belgrano. Nov. 1832 A. B. Usborne. On reverse (this sheet only): “Capn R. Fitz Roy ?? Sheet C. Corrientes (?)”
1611No. 2 Bahia Blanca. Port Belgrano. Nov. 1832 A. B. Usborne.
17½22No. 3 Bahia Blanca. Port Belgrano. Nov. 1832 A. B. Usborne.
17½22No. 4 Bahia Blanca. Port Belgrano. Nov. 1832 A. B. Usborne.
17½22No. 5 Bahia Blanca. Port Belgrano. Nov. 1832 A. B. Usborne.
????(no number) Part of the Coast near Cape Corrientes.
September 1832, p. 100, Port Belgrano.


H871Fp3 April 183427¾22¾No. 4 East Extreme of Bahia Blanca from H.M.S. Beagle 1833.
September 1832, p. 101, Bahia Blanco.


L276Cd??????East Falkland and adjacent Islands from H.M.S. Beagle 1834. Note: All that is marked with red is taken from old charts, - altered so as to be less at variance with the present survey. “No 15” in ULH. “Rough same number & shelf)” in red, but no rough is included with this chart.
1 March 1833, p. 226, Arrived.
6 April 1833, p. 281, Departed.
L277Cd6 Aug. 1835????West Falkland and adjacent islands from HMS Beagle 1834. Note All that is marked with blue is taken from the Chart made in 1786-7 by Lieutenant Edgar, but freely altered so as to be less at variance with the present survey. Contains some light blue lines. Horizontal grid over most, but diagonal grid over Jason Islands.
????“Rough of L277” in LRH. “No 14” in ULH. Shows West Falkland and Jason Islands. Very light grid lines ⅛ horizontal and 1116" vertical
1 March 1833, p. 226, Arrived.
6 April 1833, p. 281, Departed.
L278Fp6 Aug. 1835????North-East side of Wollaston Island from H.M.S. Beagle 1834. “No 19” in ULH. Insets at top show Deceit and Barnevelt Isles.
19 February 1833, p. 225, Arrived.
L279Cd6 Aug. 183513⅜19⅜Port William from HMS Beagle 1834. different to that used by Lieut. Wickham and Mr. Usborne. The latitude was 51 30 31 1836 (in pencil).
1 March 1833, p. 227, Mentioned, and presumed visited.
L280S. Amer. Folio 16 Aug. 1835Middle Cove from HMS Beagle 1834 “No 21” in ULH.
L281Fp6 Aug. 1835????Packsaddle Bay from H.M.S. Beagle 1834.
14 February 1833, p. 224, Mentioned.
18 February 1833, p. 225, Departed.
L282Fp6 Aug. 183519¾13¾Part of the Coast of Tierra del Fuego from H.M.S. Beagle 1834 and
Part of the North Side of Wollaston Island from HMS Beagle 1834. A diagonal line from ULH to LRH divides this chart, as described by the two titles above. “No 18” in ULH.
19 February 1833, p. 225, Wollaston Island.
L283Fp6 Aug. 1835????Goeree Road from HMS Beagle 1834.
20-21 April 1833, p. 225, Goeree Road
L284Cd6 Aug. 18352417⅜Port Louis in Berkeley Sound.
March 1833, p. 227, First visit.
10 March 1834, p. 327, Revisited.
L284aAtlantic Folio 1(none)10½13⅝Falkland Islands. The small cove close to the Settlement at Port Louis fit only for boats. Below chart: Sounds in feet. HMS Beagle 1834. “No 20” in ULH.
1 March 1833, p. 226, Arrived.
6 April 1833, p. 281, Departed.
L285Ca6 Aug. 183524¾31⅜Tracks of HMS Beagle between December 1833 and May 1834. Note. The Tracks shown in the Charts of the Coast are not here inserted. Shows track from Port Santa Cruz to Berkeley Sound to Yorkminster and Diego Ramirez areas.
2 January 1833, p. 124, Diego Ramirez
10 March 1834, p. 336, Berkeley Sound
13 April 1834, p. 336, Santa Cruz
L286Fp6 Aug. 183524¾32¾Tracks of HMS Beagle between July 1833 and December 1834. Note. The tracks shown in the Charts of Port Desire are not here repeated. The track is from Monte Video to Berkeley Sound.
6 December 1833, p. 316, Monte Video
10 March 1834, p. 327, Berkeley Sound
L287Fp6 Aug. 183519⅛23⅞No. 19 East coast of Patagonia No 19 from HMS Beagle 1834. The last and most perfect drawing of the three sent from the Beagle. (in pencil). Cape Three Points to Sea Bear Bay and Spiring Bay, including Port Desire. With ½-inch pencilled grid.
4 January 1833, p. 303, Port Desire
26 December 1833, p. 281 [sic, p.316] Sea Bear Bay
L288Fp6 Aug. 183514¼20⅞East coast of Patagonia from HMS Beagle 1834. Shows Sea Bear Bay to Pt. Lookout.
26 December 1833, p. 281 [sic, p.316], Sea Bear Bay
L289Fp6 Aug. 183514¼21No. 21 East coast of Patagonia from HMS Beagle 1834.
L290Fp6 Aug. 183525¾18⅞No. 22 River Santa Cruz from H.M.S. Beagle 1834. with ¼" (approx) grid.
????A “Rough of L290” in same envelope
13 April 1834, p. 336, Santa Cruz
L291Fp 6 Aug. 183526⅜18¾No. 23 River Santa Cruz from HMS Beagle 1834. Shows “Dissappointment Plains” and “Mystery Valley”
32¾12¾A “Rough of L291” in same envelope.
13 April 1834, p. 336, (Chap XVI describes this area.)
L292Fp6 Aug. 183519¾26⅜No. 24 Eastern Entrance of the Strait of Magellan and part of the East Coast of Tierra del Fuego from HMS Beagle 1834.
Also two roughs in same envelope:
21¾26¾Possession Bay area (north part of 292).
21¼31⅞Sebastian Bay area (south part of 292).
17 February 1834, p. 322, San Sebastian Bay
L293Fp6 Aug. 183516¾16⅞No. 25 Part of the Strait of Magellan from HMS Beagle 1834. First Narrows to Freshwater Bay [no rough in this envelope]
L294Fp6 Aug. 18353022¾No. 26 East Coast of Tierra del Fuego from HMS Beagle 1834. Cape Sunday to Cape San Pio [No rough in this envelope].
L295Fs 6 Aug. 183538½20⅞No. 27 Part of Tierra del Fuego from HMS Beagle 1834 Whale Boat Sound, Darwin Sd., Gordon Id. Navarin Island [No rough in this envelope].
L296Fp6 Aug. 1835????Port San Julian from HMS Beagle 1834.
L297Fp6 Aug. 1835 ????Port Santa Cruz. Keel Point. From HMS Beagle 1834.
L298Fp6 Aug. 183521⅜16Tracing of the original plan of Port Desire made by the late Commander Skyring with a few additions and small alterations resulting from the later visits of the Beagle.
45¼23A “Rough of L298” in same envelope.
L496Cc17 Sep. 183539½26⅛This Outline of Berkeley Sound has been hastily traced from the Plan made on board the Beagle, and of which a copy is now preparing for the Hydrographical Office. Robt. FitzRoy Also Note. The waving lines shew Kelp. The tide rises six feet. It is high water at five on F. and L. days. R. F.


No Charts Received This Year


L898Fs10 May 183712⅜20½No 9. Coast of Chile. HMS Beagle 1835 (No 1. at top).
Coast between lat 30.0 and 30.17 S - Point Lagunilla to Magtencillo.
L899Fs[not seen]Coast between lat 29.0 to 30.0 S - Chaneral Island to Port Herradura
L900Fs10 May 18371321No 11. Coast of Chile HMS Beagle 1835 (No. 5 at top).
Coast between lat 27.40 to 29.0 Point Cachos to Point Leones.
L901Fs[not seen]No. 4 Coast between lat 26.20 to 27.40 S - Chaneral to Lalado Bay.
L902Fs10 May 18371321No 13. Coast of Chile HMS Beagle 1835 (No. 5 at top).
Coast between lat 25.10 to 26.20 - Point Grande to Sugar loaf Island.
L903Fs10 May 183721⅝14⅞No 1. Part of the Chonos Archipelago HMS Beagle 1835.
Part of the Chonos Archipelago - Wickham Inlet to Purcell Island 45.40 to 46.00.
L903aFs(none)13⅛27⅝(no title on chart, presumed to be a rough, although not labeled as such). Shows coast, C. Taytas to Stewart Bay and Port St. Andrew.
L904Fs[not seen]No. 2 Part of the Chonos Archipelago - Lat 44.18 to 45°.40' ECT.
L905Fs[not seen]No. 3 Part of Chiloe and coasts adjacent - South half.
L905, L906Fs??18¾23Rough of parts of L905, L906. (one sheet) from Volcano Osorno to Mountain of Yanteles with entire island of Chiloe.
L906Fs10 May 1837????No 4. Parts of the Coasts of Chile and Chiloe from HMS Beagle 1836. North half of San Pedro Bay to Huentemo Head [notation “rough of part same No & shelf”]
L907Fs10 May 183714¾21¾No 5. Part of the coast of Chile HMS Beagle 1836. Part of Chili betwene Mocha and San Antonio 38.20 and 41
L908Fs10 May 18371521⅝No 6. Coast of Chile HMS Beagle 1835. Coast of Chile - Lat 35°.40' and 38°.20' Fox Bay and Mocha
Rough of part of L908 in same envelope.
L909Fs10 May 183714¾21⅝No 7. Coast of Chile HMS Beagle 1835. Coast of Chili Lat 33.0 to 35.40 Valparaiso.
L910Fs10 May 183721⅝14⅞No. 8. Coast of Chile HMS Beagle 1835. Lat 31°.20 to 32.50 - Maytencillo to Bay of Herradura.
L911S. Amer. Folio 110 May 183712¾10⅕Coast of Chile, Lavata Bay, HMS Beagle 1835.
L912S. Amer. Folio 110 May 183712¾11Coast of Chile at top Sugar Loaf Anchorage HMS Beagle 1835.
L913Fs10 May 183712¾21Coast of Chili. Port of Flamenco.
L914Fs10 May 183712⅝20⅞Ports Caldera and Yngles on the coast of Chile.
L915Fs10 May 183713½17¾Copiapo.
L916S. Amer. Folio 110 May 183712¾10½Pajonal. on the coast of Chile HMS Beagle 1835
L917S. Amer. Folio 110 May 183712⅝10 ⅛Port Herradura. Herradura de Carrisal HMS Beagle 1835
L918Fs10 May 1837????On the Coast of Chili. Unfinished plan of the Port of Huasco to be combined with Capt. Foster’s. HMS Beagle 1835 Bay of Huasco.
L919S. Amer. Folio 110 May 183710⅜12⅜Chañeral HMS Beagle 1835.
L920S. Amer. Folio 110 May 183712⅞Tortoralillo HMS Beagle 1835.
L921S. Amer. Folio 110 May 183710½Port Herradura. HMS Beagle 1835. also to be combined with the annexed Plan of Coquimbo.
L922S. Amer. Folio 110 May 183713Maytencillo Cove HMS Beagle 1835.
L923S. Amer. Folio 110 May 183712⅞11Pichidanque Bay Spanish Names, Puerto de Pichidanque ano de 1835. Also: Note. The place of the rock marked h is not ascertained exactly. It could not be found during the Beagle’s stay, and was afterwards inserted by description and the authority of a Spanish Plan found at Lima. (The “h” is inked in red on the chart.)
L924S. Amer. Folio 110 May 183713¼10⅝ Ligua Road on the Coast of Chile.
L925Fs10 May 183712¾15¾Papudo.
L926S. Amer. Folio 110 May 183710⅜12¾Plan of Herradura [Quintero written in above] Bays. Horcom and Quintero HMS Beagle 1835.
L927S. Amer. Folio 110 May 183712⅞10½Valparaiso Bay. Soundings to be added from other plan. There are some soundings on the chart, so maybe they have been added.
L928Fs10 May 183712⅝20¾La Constitucion at the Entrance of the River Maule.
L929S. Amer. Folio 110 May 183712⅞10⅛Coliumo Bay.
L930Fs10 May 183717⅝22⅜No title, shows Bay of Concepción.
L931Fs10 May 18371321⅛Island Santa Maria.
L932S. Amer. Folio 110 May 1837????Mouth of the River Leubu 1835 from HMS Beagle. With notation “Place where HMS Challenger was wrecked May 1838” (near Molguilla).
L933Fs10 May 18371313⅜Plan of Mocha Island.
L934Fs10 May 18372318¼Port of Valdivia.
8 February 1835, p. 397, Arrive
22 February 1835, p. 401, Depart
L935Fs10 May 1837????Port San Carlos and Narrows of Chacao HMS Beagle 1835.
L936S. Amer. Folio 110 May 183715⅜10⅝Port San Pedro.
9 December 1834, p. 366, San Pedro Harbour.
L937S. Amer. Folio 1(not found)????Huafo Cove ECT [sic, etc.].
5 December 1834, p. 365, First visit.
15 January 1835, p. 377, Return visit.
L938S. Amer. Folio 1(not found)????Huafo Cove another copy ECT.
5 December 1834, p. 365, First visit.
15 January 1835, p. 377, Return visit.
L939Fs10 May 1837????Port Low At the Northern part of the Chonos Archipelago HMS Beagle 1835, 4 inches to the mile.
7 January 1835, p. 374, Port Low.
L940Fs10 May 18372014⅝Port Low HMS Beagle. Another copy.
7 January 1835, p. 374, Port Low.
L941Fs(illegible)1414⅜Vallenar Road, in the Chonos Archipelago. Very browned thick sheet of paper.
18 December 1834, p. 369, Departed Vallenar Road.
L942Fs(none)18½15¼Anna Pink Bay. Chonos Anchorage. A 4 × 2⅝-inch paper glued on, with “Patch Cove” sketch.
30 December 1834, p. 372, Anna Pink Bay
L943S. Amer. Folio 110 May 1837????In the Chonos Archipelago. Port Refuge.
4 January 1835, p. 373, Port Refuge.
L944S. Amer. Folio 110 May 183714⅝10½St. Andrew Bay.
L945Pt10 May 183721½14½No 1 Galapagos Islands HMS Beagle 1835. South part of Indefatigable, Barrington, Chatham, Charles, Hood.
L946No 2 Galapagos Islands HMS Beagle 1835. South part of Albemarle, Duncan, Nameless, fragment of James, Crossman, Brattle.
L947No 3 Galapagos Islands HMS Beagle 1835. North part of Indefatigable, Seymours (not named). An 8 × 9¼" inset shows Culpepper and Wenman.
L948No 4 Galapagos Islands HMS Beagle 1835. Narborough, Albemarle (less southern end), Cowley, James, Jervis, fragment of Indefatigable.
L949No 5 Galapagos Islands HMS Beagle 1835. East part of Bindloe, Tower.
L950No 6 Galapagos Islands HMS Beagle 1835. Abingdon, Bindloe.
L951Pacific Folio 317¾13½ Post Office Bay. (Charles I. HMS Beagle 1836).
L95217¼13¾ Albemarle I. Tagus Cove in the Galápagos. HMS Beagle 1835 Unfinished Sketch with 4¾ × 3" Tagus Cove sketch pasted in LLH.
L9531113½ NW corner Chatham Id. Galapagos H M S Beagle 1836 Terrapin Road.
L95413¾11¼ Fresh Water Bay Chatham Id. Galapagos H M S Beagle 1835.
L95513½11 Gardner Bay Hood Id. Galapagos H M S Beagle 1835.
L95614⅝11¼ E[as]t side James Id. Galapagos H M S Beagle 1835. (shows Sulivan Bay, Bartholomew Island)
L95712¾17¼ In the Galapagos Islands HMS Beagle 1836 (shows Albany Island, James Bay area)
L958910½ Iguana Cove, Albemarle Id. Galapagos H.M.S. Beagle 1835.
L959Fs10 May 1837????No. 1 Coast of Peru HMS Beagle 1836. (No. 1 at top) Coast between Lat 25.20 and 22.40.
L960Fs10 May 183712¾16No. 2 Coast of Peru HMS Beagle 1836. (No. 2 at top) Coast between Lat 23.0 and 20.50.
L961Fs10 May 183712⅞20¼No. 3 Coast of Peru HMS Beagle 1836. (No. 3 at top) Coast between Lat 17.40 and 20.40.
L962Fs10 May 183721⅛12⅝No. 4 Coast of Peru HMS Beagle 1836. (No. 4 at top) Coast between Lat 16.30 and 17.30 Glo to Saint? Pescadores.
L963Fs10 May 183721¾12⅜No. 5 Coast of Peru HMS Beagle 1836. Coast between Lat 15.10 and 16.20 Summits of mountains seen indistinctly (about 4 or 5,000 feet_) (pencilled note).
L964Fs10 May 18372112⅞No. 6 Coast of Peru HMS Beagle 1836. Coast between Lat 14.0 and 15.10.
L965Fs10 May 18371320¾No. 7. Coast of Peru HMS Beagle 1836. (No. 8 [sic] at top) Take Hills from Spanish Plan of Callas [Callao?] Bay. Soundings & track from our new plan. in ULH [Note: These hills and track are on this chart.] Coast between Lat 12.0 and 14.0.
L966Fs10 May 1837????No. 8 Coast of Peru HMS Beagle 1836. Coast between Lat 9.45 and 12.0.
L967Fs10 May 183718⅜24No. 9 Coast of Peru HMS Beagle 1836. Note: For Sea Stations, and all particulars near the Coast, refer to original Rough No. 10. Coast between Lat 8.0 and 9.45.
L968Fs10 May 183715⅛25No. 10 Coast of Peru HMS Beagle 1836. Coast between Lat 7.0 and 8.50.
L969Fs10 May 183717⅝22½No. 11 Coast of Peru HMS Beagle 1836. Coast between Lat 5.0 and 7.0.
L970Fs10 May 183714½21No. 12 Coast of Peru HMS Beagle 1836. (No. 12 at top) Coast between Lat 3.30 and 5.0.
L971Fs10 May 183714¼19⅝Port of Payta – Lambayeque Road – Pacasmayo Road. This shows three views; one at top, the other two below, horizontally. There is a border separating them.
L972Fs10 May 183719⅝11¾ Port of Malabrigo – Huanchaco Roads.
L973Fs10 May 183719⅝12⅞Bay of Santa - Port of Samanco or Guambacho.
L974Fs10 May 183719⅝12¾Bay of Casma - Bay of Guarmey.
L975Fs10 May 183719¾12¾Bays of Barranca and Supé - Bay of Huacho Bay of Chancay. 3 bordered views HMS Beagle 1836.
L976Fs10 May 183719⅝13Bay of Pisco. Bay of Yndependencia. HMS Beagle 1836.
L977Fs10 May 183719½12⅞Ports of San Nicolas and San Juan, Lomas road, Alico Road. HMS Beagle 1836.
L978Fs10 May 183719¾13Bay of Islay – Ylo Road HMS Beagle 2 bordered views with blank space for a third view.
L979S. Amer. Folio 110 May 183710¾14⅜Iquique (two views) HMS Beagle.
L980Fs10 May 183719⅝12¾Bays of Chipana and Loa – Pisagua Roads.
L981Fs10 May 183719¾12⅝Cobija Bay - Algodon Bay - Constitucion Harbour.
L981aFs(none)1341⅜(rough) No title, shows Chipano Bay & Loa Bay. Pajaros Island to Arena Point (21°7' to 21°.40'S).
L982Fs10 May 183729¾23¾Part of the Coast &c near Callao. HMS Beagle 1836. To be combined with the Spanish Plan of Callao.
L983Qw10 May 183723⅝16¾Low Coral islands in the dangerous Archipelago Pacific Ocean HMS Beagle 1835 (2) An island in the Dangerous Archipelago – Honden Id. (3) Whylotacke or Wailutaki Id.
L984Cy10 May 18372134North Keeling Island HMS Beagle 1836.
L985Cy10 May 183724⅝29⅝In the Keeling Islands. Port Refuge.


A Few Corrections to Above Charts

Office MarkText on ChartCorrection Made
L283 Goezee RoadsGoeree Road (1831), Goree Road (1835)
L903aCoast, C. Taytas to Saint Andres BayStewart Bay and Port St. Andrew
L910 Mayternillo to Bay HenaduraMaytencillo to Bay of Herradura
L914 Post Calderara and GuglesPorts Caldera and Yngles
L941 Mouth of River VallenazVallenar Road, in the Chonos Archipelago
L942 Anna Pirak BayAnna Pink Bay
L949 Towns and East part of …Towers and East part of …
L980 Chipana and LocaChipana and Loa