Bibliography Texts

Letter to Captain G. Allan Hancock

from Friedrich Ritter

A re-typed transcript of Ritter's letter, with spelling as in the original. Line space inserted between paragraphs for clarity.
“{text}” indicates text inserted/moved after typing.
text” indicates text crossed out after typing.
text” indicates text underlined in letter.

Ritter's “between the lines” paragraph may be the source of the legend of his letter to Captain Hancock in which he wrote that he would tell Hancock in person things which he could not put into a letter. But in context, it appears that Ritter was simply acknowledging difficulty in expressing himself clearly in a letter.

Although the typed letter is dated April, a hand-written insert mentions the disappearance of Lorenz, who was not reported missing until August. This indicates the letter was not sent until after Ritter learned that Lorenz was missing.

"Friedo" - April - 1934.

Dear Captain Hancock

One happening here forces me to write to you this letter. At the 14. of March, Lorenz (you know : the "slave" of the Barones{s}) came down, ( we saw the "people of the Hotel" at last, when you were here, and we meanwhile never left our garden until at Easter, 1. Apr.) and told us, that he had left the Barones and would be living now with Wittmers, and that he would leave the island surely with the next ship. Because he would have nothing more to do with the Barones/s and her brutal Philippson (who hate him) - he asked me for giving him a written english advise for every anchoring ship to take on board a young man, who wishes to leave the island. - Furthermore He begged for your adres - he would tell you the "truth" of his compagnonship with the Madame. - Finely he told too, that he would be waiting now more than a year for the promised money for travelling, which now the Baroness would refuse to give {him}.

At the 25. of March Mr. Wittmer brought us some copies from letters of the Bar. , containing a lot of malicious aspersions about us, and told us too the story of our donkey. (The Bar. caught him, and first intended to bind him at a tree and let him starve; - but then drove him in Wittmers garden, therewith Mr. Wittmer will shoot him, as a wild one in the darkness, which he really did.) . - I said to Wittmer : "There is to do nothing - all that deeds fall back to the doer."

At the 28. of March Mrs. Wittmer and Lorenz came down and told us in a joyfully, unembaressed manner, that Madame Bousquet and Philipson yesterday - with an American Yacht - left the island for going to another place in the southern sea{;} (compare the more exact German text enclosed) That is all we really know of the whole affair !

Enclosed too I have written a repport, how we thaught - psychically - all could and how we wished things - fate-necessary - would have happened. We believe{d} that event could {have} be{en} very possible - but we do not know {(what had happened really)}. Now we are free from that party - but we can not see in a happier futur{e}.

Wittmers are the "heirs or successors" of most of the material, the Madame could not transport. - Lorenz brought us down some stuff too, we bought from him, as the legitimate compagnon of the "Hotel". With the next ship, he will go to Germany - that is the destiny-necessary end of a bluff-enterprise like such a "Hotel" {(Now he disappeared on the journey.)}

What I have ever said proves to be true : we must be considered as an exception, and not as "an exemple" for other people to do the same; - no one can do the "same", and we can not allow to be levelled with anyone, who comes here - whatever may be their motives. - I know, you think of me or us to be unsocial beeings. - I know, that "Socialisme" is the modern scientific religion" - but also - against every scientist - I see too clear, that this Socialism is no more, than a new "pest" of mankind, and there is no "high ethic" in beeing "social", that is nothing but sentimental decadency. - What kind of science is that, which {protects so very much the Socialism because it} is living itself from that Socialism {idol}.

I hope you may read "between the lines", what I can not express more acurately. Power of judgement and making distinctions and having the courage to do that against every modern idol - that is personality.

Enclosed I send you too, the rest of the first part of the "Friedo-book." If you and the Editor will print it, we would very agree therewith. Pictures acording your choice can be added. - The 2. and last part will be finished with the end of this year; - at the time, we hope to see you again.

Cordially yours
Ritter's signature