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John M. Woram

Editorial Summary

Curriculum Vitae


History & Cartography Books
2010 Here Be Giants: Travelers' Tales from the Land of the Patagons Rockville Press
2008Islas Galápagos Historical Chart (Designer/Producer of maps's Explorer Tracks—Rutas de Exploración).Zagier & Urruty
2005 Charles Darwin Slept Here: Tales of Human History at World's End Rockville Press


Computer Books
1998 The Windows 98 Registry: A Survival Guide for Users MIS:Press (IDG Books) 
  • Chinese: (Windows 98 Registry)
  • Dutch: Windows 98 Registry: Een overlevingsgids voor gebruikers
  • French: (Windows 98 Registry)
  • German: Windows 98 Registry
  • Japanese: (Windows 98 Registry)
  • Korean: (Windows 98 Registry)
  • Polish: Poradnik uzytkownika: Rejestr Windows 98
  • Portuguese: Windows 98 Registry: Guia completo
  • Russian: (Windows 98 Registry)
1996 The Windows 95 Registry: A Survival Guide for Users MIS:Press
1994 Windows Configuration Handbook Random House
  • Italian: (Windows Configuration Handbook)
  • Portuguese: Manual de Configuração do Windows
1993 PC Configuration Handbook, revised 2nd edition Random House
1990 PC Configuration Handbook, 2nd edition Bantam Books
  • Chinese: (PC Configuration Handbook)
  • French: PC et PS: Entretenir réparer et améliorer
  • German: PCs Konfigurieren: Hardware einrichten warten reparieren
  • Portuguese: Manual de Configuração do PC
1987 PC Configuration Handbook, 1st edition Bantam Books
  • Danish: PC Reparations Håndbogen-konfiguration, reparation og vedligeholdelse af PC'erte og AT'ere


Sound Recording Books
1989 Sound Recording Handbook Howard W. Sams
1981 Recording Studio Handbook Elar Publishing
1976 Recording Studio Handbook Sagamore Publishing


Monthly Columns, Features, etc.
1994-99Windows Magazine: “Optimizing Windows”
1991Bantam Books: DOS Power Tools, 2nd Edition. (Chapter 2: “DOS 5.0 Overview”)
1988McGraw-Hill: Acoustics Source Book.
1983-84PCjr Magazine: “It's BASIC”
1978-83db, The Sound Engineering Magazine: “The Sync Track”
1977McGraw-Hill: McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology.
Feature articles have also appeared in . . .
American Record Guide
Audio Engineering Society, Journal of
Computer Shopper
Digital Audio
Elle Decor
Map Collector
Mercator's World
Mix Magazine
Modern Electronics
Music Journal
Newark Star-Ledger
Noticias de Galápagos
PC Magazine
PC Week
Pro Sound News
RCA Engineer
Stereo Hi-Fi Times
Stereo Review
The Trader


On the Web
The pages from the
galapagos-to site.
The pages from the
Rockville Press site


Editing Services
1997-99Consulting Editor: Windows Magazine
1994-97Contributing Editor: Windows Magazine
1991Contributing Editor: EQ Magazine
1987-89“John Woram Audio Series” (A co-publishing venture with Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc.—textbooks in audio engineering)
Introduction to Professional Recording Techniques
Recording Demo Tapes at Home
1985-86IBM Books
1983-84Contributing Editor: PCjr Magazine
1978-83db, The Sound Engineering Magazine
1982-83Modern Recording & Music Magazine
1981The Microphone Handbook
1977-78CD-4 Forum (a broadcast/recording newsletter)
1974Microphones: Design and Application
1965-66The Broadcaster (newsletter)