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RÁBIDA Rábida Island

Permitted Uses:  Interpretive Group Tour with a Naturalist GuidePhotography and filming   Guided walks Associated Activities authorized by the GNPS in the itineraries of Authorized Vessels

The visitor site is located on the east coast of Rábida Island, consists of a red sand beach, a coastal lagoon behind the beach, and a loop trail. The approximate distance of the trail is 1.1 kilometers. 

The color of the rocks and sand on the beach is due to the very porous volcanic material, which with the help of environmental factors (rain, salt water and sea breeze, has acted as an oxidizing agent.

The main attraction of the place is the red sand beach, scenery, aside from the vegetation of the arid zone and the presence of native and endemic species.

The population of goats present on this island was eradicated in 1975. 

Click on the illustration to enlarge.

Special Indications

  • The beach area is open, but do not get too close when the pelicans are nesting, or disturb the sea lions.

  •  Do not leave the trail and keep quiet, and avoid sudden or rapid movements. The flamingoes can be frightened and fly off easily if you get close. .

  • Rábida has many ravines and shrubbery that provides good nesting and resting places for a variety of seabirds and also has a small colony of fur seals.