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PUNTA CAROLA  San Cristóbal Island 

Permitted Uses:    Interpretive and recreational visits    Photography and filming     Accessory tourist activities defined by the GNPD     Camping previously authorized by the GNPD

Punta Carola is a beach located to the north-west of Puerto Baquerizo Moreno. The beach has an area of approximately 300 meters, which is made up of dry forest vegetation.

On the beach you can see a large colony of sea lions (Zalophus californianas wolebaeki) among the vegetation and on the rocks there are marine iguanas ( Amblyrhynchus cristatus ).

The population of Puerto Baquerizo Moreno uses this place for leisure activities. People who enter the Cerro Tijeretas Visit Site also have access to Punta Carola through a path.

Special Indications 

  • The beach is occupied by sea lions, who find a safe space to form the different colonies. Suggest to the passengers that they keep a safe distance so that the sea lions are not disturbed. 

  • It is recommended that they carry garbage bags to be able to collect the waste carried by the ocean currents towards the shores.