San Cristóbal Island |

Permitted Uses:
Interpretive and recreational visits
Photography and filming
Accessory tourist activities defined by the GNPD
Camping previously authorized by the GNPD

Punta Carola is a beach located to the north-west of Puerto Baquerizo Moreno. The beach has an area of approximately 300 meters, which is made up of dry forest vegetation.
On the beach you can see a large colony of sea lions (Zalophus californianas wolebaeki) among the vegetation and on the rocks there are marine iguanas ( Amblyrhynchus cristatus ).
The population of Puerto Baquerizo Moreno uses this place for leisure activities. People who enter the Cerro Tijeretas Visit Site also have access to Punta Carola through a path.
Special Indications
The beach is occupied by sea lions, who find a safe space to form the different colonies. Suggest to the passengers that they keep a safe distance so that the sea lions are not disturbed.
It is recommended that they carry garbage bags to be able to collect the waste carried by the ocean currents towards the shores.