Isla San Cristóbal |
 Permitted uses: Interpretive and recreational visits Accessory tourist activities defined by the DPNG Photography and filming Camps previously authorized by the DPNG

It is located 24.5 km away from Puerto Baquerizo Moreno and a few kilometers from the Breeding Center next to Cerro Colorado. Access is by land to a gravel mine, from that point you must walk a path of approximately 1475 meters until you reach the beach. The time it takes to visit this site is around five hours.
The existence of two ravines that flow into the beach means that in heavy rainy seasons the white sand sediments fluctuate throughout the year, changing the length of the beach considerably.
In the years 1992 and 1993 the Galapagos National Park carried out two quadrants to protect two species of plants in danger of extinction (Calandrinia galapagosa and Lecocarpus leptolobus).
The Calandrina galapagosa is a succulent plant that accumulates water and acquires a reddish color to slow down its photosynthesis speed and maintain its internal liquids. Lecocarupus leptolobus is an endemic genus of the Compositae family that is composed of four species.
Special Indications
It is very important to bring water to drink, a hat and sunscreen. The reflection of the sun on the white sand is very strong.
The manzanillo is a toxic tree, do not touch its fruits or leaves.
The beach is an excellent place for recreation and rest. It is also an ideal place to observe feeding seabirds.