Santa Cruz Island |
 Permitted Uses: Interpretive and educational tours Photography and filming Campfires and barbecues in wetlands

To reach the site is necessary to travel about 8 minutes by boat from Puerto Ayora.
When the tide is high, the landing is by the canal, if the tide is low, the landing may be at the wooden pier recently built.
The path that leads to Playa de Los Perros has a length of 505m, and with the exception of the slope at the start of the trail, where a 5m ladder was adapted to facilitate the entry, the entire trail consists of rock and dirt and is easily accessible. A park ranger watches over the site daily.
Swimming or entry with boats is no permitted in the pool of reef sharks.
Fires or camping are not allowed on site 7. Garbage must be returned by visitors to the town center.
The Playa de los Perros has a length of 75m and consists of white sand.
If the tide is low you can walk along the shore of the beach to the pool of reef sharks, they can also be seen from a lookout with proper balconies for safety. To reach the lookout point, walk 70m along the trail of rock.
The main vegetation that can be seen along the path belongs to the arid zone, the main species being, Croton scouleri (Chala), Cordia lutea (Muyuyo) Scutia pauciflora (thorn), Opuntia sp. and mangrove.
Upon entering the canal you will see blue-footed boobies (Sula nebouxii) pelicans (Pelecanus occidentalis), Great frigatebirds (Fregata minor) and Brown Noddys. On the path along the beach and leading to the pool of reef sharks, many sally lightfoot crabs (zayapas) are seen. On the path to Playa de los Perros finches will accompany you, and finally at the beach you will find marine iguanas (Amblyrynchus cristatus), sea lions (Zalophus californianus wollebaeki) sally lightfoot and hermit crabs.