Floreana Island |
 Permitted Uses: Interpretive and recreational tours Tourist activities defined by GNPS Photography and filming 
The visitors site of Lobería has a path 900 m long that through areas of the GNP. This area is used by locals for recreation. Part of the trail is made up of rocks and other parts, sand.
The main attraction of this site is the presence of Galapagos Sea Lions Zalophus wollebaecki that are on the beach and in the bay of the Lobería. Marine iguanas (Amblyrhynchus cristatus) are also seen along the shores and lots of sea turtles (Chelonia midas agazzisi) in the rocky reefs of the Bay.
The practice of snorkeling and kayaking are the main ancillary activities that take place here.
Special Indications
Maintain safe distance with the sea lion population, especially the males, because the might react aggressively if you get too close to their territory. To avoid an accident do not bother them.