Isabela Island |
 Permitted Uses: Interpretive and Educational Tours Photography and filming

The visitor site "Wetlands", is a complex of trails that include the following sites:
Cerro Orchilla, a lookout which you can access via a staircase; from this site you can see the bay and the town of Puerto Villamil, Sierra Negra Volcano, the Cerro Azul Volcano, islets and rocks. These sites form spectacular scenery.
El Estero is a 227m path of lava rocks, 1.5 meters wide. It consists of a picnic site where the people come to do leisure activities. On this site you can see the four species of mangrove found in Galapagos and a small majagual forest. It forms part of the stories and legends of the penal colony era on Isabela.
La Poza Escondida is a path of stone and wood, where the main attraction is a mangrove forest and at the end of this path is a this pool.
Poza Redonda, is a path of 50 meters long, of lava plates leading to a pool formed inside a collapsed lava tube.
Tunel del Estero, a path 75m long and with adequate lava plates ending in a staircase inside a lava tunnel. Above the tunnel you can see the intertidal landscape that offers a tapestry of Galapagos Sesuvium between "El Túnel del Estero" and Love Beach.
Love Beach, has a rocky sea access, is a site frequently used by the community of Isabela.
Los Tunos Viewpoint and Pozas Verde are paths with several lookout points that allow observation of birds and plants.
La Playita: Is a path that leads to a small beach that is part of the greater beach in Villamil.
You can see several ancient tombs in the cemetery, tombs that have been built with unusual materials, represent a historical account of Isabela and its first inhabitants.
The main attraction of these sites is the variety of flora and fauna can be observed.
Special Indications
Various species of birds nest on these sites, stay away from the lagoons where are these birds are.
The local people perform various recreational activities at the picnic sites.