Permitted Uses: nterpretive and recreational tours Associated Tourist Activities authorized by the GNPS Photography and filming

The visitors site La Calera is located about five minutes by panga from the pier "El Embarcadero". Access to this site is via a wet landing.
The route of this trail is about 200 meters, crossing for the most part an intertidal zone.
This land was used by early settlers of Isabela Island to prepare the materials for building their houses (lime, sand, stone) and fix boats for fishing. Currently, there still remain some of these materials left in this area.
The main purpose of a visit to this site is the practice of snorkeling in an intertidal lagoon.
This place holds similar characteristics in terms of flora, fauna and landscape as the present visitors site of "Islote Tintoreras".
Special Indications
It is advisable to do snorkeling when the tide is low, because when the tide rises, the waves are strongest.
Fishing, tourism, cargo, stevedoring and private ships pass close to the landing site, so it is forbidden to swim or snorkel.