Urbina Bay |
Isabela Island |
 Permitted Uses: Interpretive Group Tour with a Naturalist Guide Photography and filming Guided walks Associated Activities authorized by the GNPS in the itineraries of Authorized Vessels

The visitor site Urbina Bay is located at the east base of the Alcedo volcano. The trail starts on the beach where a wet landing is made, the tour is approximately 3200m, and runs through sand substrates, pumice rock, lava, coral and vegetable formations in a coastal area that has had a lift; in addition burrows of land iguanas can be seen.
The trail passes through the foundations of what was a coral structure. During the uprising that occurred in 1954, 6 km of reef were elevated 5 masl, the coast was extended 3/4 of a mile out. It is said, in that same year and after the uprising, there was an eruption in the northeast side at a height of 650 m of Alcedo Volcano, but there is no concrete evidence. There is an area where there rhyolite (igneous rock that occurs at the violent exit to the outside of the earth) on this site where no vegetation grows due to the acidity that this type of substrate. This extrusive rock forms when magma of the same chemical structure as granite, acidic or felsic magma, reaches Earth's surface.
It is an ideal place to observe spiny lobster (Panulirus penicillatus) and green (Panulirus gracilis).
Special Indications
Protect your camera equipment well as the landing can be problematic due to the strong waves that occur often on this site.
Bring water for the hike because the trail is long and the place is very hot.
Do not take pieces of coral. Corals exposed to air will deteriorate quickly and should not be touched.