Whale Bay |
Santa Cruz Island |
 Permitted Uses: Interpretive Group Tour with a Naturalist Guide
Photography and filming Guided walks Associated Activities authorized by the GNPS in the itineraries of Authorized Vessels.

The visitor site of whale Bay is a cove of green sand at the base of Dragon Hill on the west coast of Santa Cruz Island. The beach contains a large amount of olivine crystals, the same that originate from volcanic materials. The crystals were formed when the magma was still underground. The content is magnesium, iron and silica.
Near the beach there are ceramic relics, which reflect the same antiques of human settlements that were close to the beach in 1846. According to the accounts of the French captain Genie, a path originated from this site to the top of the island, which was used to collect fresh water. It is thought that in this place lived a group of people who were dedicated to the collection of lichen (Rocella tinctoria), used for tinting.
In this place there existed a small population of tortoises from the island Pinzón, that were probably taken by whalers or the ancient inhabitants of the place.
Special Indications
Visitors are not allowed to carry out pieces of pottery or other remains that are of archaeological interest.
The trail up to the top of the mountain requires special physical conditioning and is of special interest to visitors who wish to make a difficult hike. It is therefore considered suitable for those visitors with a more adventurous profile, who desire physical effort to observe and enjoy nature.